
I tu zaskoczenie. Bo nie przepadam za tym zespołem. Ani za głosem wokalisty. Powiedziałabym o nich, że są mętni. Zwłaszcza rzeczy, które robią ostatnio, są takie. Mętne. Ale na kawałek dnia wybrałam piosenkę o geograficznej nieco nazwie


They describe themselves as „Arab Mediterranean Indie band”. Their music is a result of their long-lasting friendship which had started 16 years ago. Inspired by everyday life of Jordan, they create music which is a blend of many genres of music with lyrics covering all troubles and joys of youngsters of Amman, touching subjects as drugs, parties, love, identity.

Ibrahim Maalouf

He was born in Beirut,  but after the break of the civil war his family decided to move to Paris. In his music he combines perfect technical skills, which he developed during classical music studies, and Arabic traditional music, the heritage of his father. If you add to the equation his fascination with jazz, you will receive the perfect musical blend.